Friday, July 29, 2016

27th July 2016

27th July 2016
My children,
I ask you this night to have courage to face any adversities.  Trust in the Lord.  Do not be tempted to run and hide because you feel overwhelmed by your daily challenges.  Do not be afraid.  Stay close to Me.  Come to the sanctuary of the Lord.  Come and spend time in quiet contemplation in front of the holy tabernacle of the Lord.  Be still and know that I am your Lord and God.  Pray for the many persecuted Christians in the world today.  Offer up your daily acts of self-denial for the salvation of souls.  There are many in need of your prayers.  I ask you to be fervent in your prayers.  Come to Me with the burdens you carry and I will give you rest for your soul.  I am asking you to be a prayer warrior for the Lord – a prayer intercessor.  This is important work.  Work humbly in the background by your intercessory prayers.  Look to My Mother to be your guiding star, for she intercedes for her children to your Heavenly Father.  Your prayers are heard and answered.  Do not doubt the power of prayers offered with a humble heart.  Clean the interior of worldly distractions.  Come away to a quiet place so that you can be united in prayer with your Heavenly family.

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