Thursday, May 22, 2008

21st May 2008 (Night Prayer)
My children,
You all will face different challenges and tests because as a faith community you are all different with gifts which differ from one another but which are complimentary to each other in your service of holy love. You have been told in Scripture that there are many parts to the body of Christ. God the Father has a plan for each of you to use the gifts you have been given to further His Kingdom. Do not keep these gifts to yourself. Share all you have with others. Be always selfless and giving. Lead a simple life of generosity and love. Do not be jealous or envious of others and the gifts they have been given. Concentrate on your own spiritual journey. Pray and discern the plan God has for you. Do not be afraid to use your gifts in a humble and background manner for the benefit of others. There will be times when you will be called forward and other times when it will be necessary for you to stay in the background. Be always flexible when you serve as a disciple of holy love. Wait and listen and then act with integrity. You have committed to serve God as His representative of holy love. Many will judge you more harshly so it is important for you to use prudence and discretion when you step out in imitation of your Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. Do not put on a sense of false piety as this falseness will be eventually seen through and you will do damage to God’s work. You read in Scriptures that you will be judged by the fruit you bear. Let the fruit of mercy, compassion and love be obvious to all by the humble and giving way you live your life. The world is in desperate need of loving examples of Christ’s light to show those stumbling in the darkness the way back onto the narrow path of salvation. Let His light burn brightly in all you do as a missionary servant of God’s love.

22nd May 2008 (Night Prayer)
My children,
You have chosen the path of righteousness when your focus is on spiritual matters and not on material possessions. You have been told before that your material wealth is fleeting. You come into this world with nothing and you leave it with nothing. No earthly riches mean anything in your eternal life. Your life span can not be lengthened by monetary means. The Father gives you life and He also decided when it is time for you to be called home. Do not be caught unaware because you have spent your life building an empire and have neglected your spiritual life. Put the love of God first and you will be given all your needs. Do not worry and fret about worldly matters which count for nothing when you are called to eternal judgment. You will not be judged by how much wealth you have accumulated and how astute you are in business, you will be judged by the love you have given to others and the love you have also allowed others to give to you. In James 2:14-26 the words faith without action is dead. Read and learn the lesson from this Scripture. Do not have ulterior motives when you give to others. Give freely without expecting any return. Let go of the need to receive recognition and praise for your good deeds. Be always humble and giving. Walk the path of righteousness and you will reap rewards of life eternal. Seek always to further the Kingdom of God by your many acts of selflessness and love. Reap a harvest which will have everlasting results which are not for this world but for the next.

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