Friday, May 30, 2008

30th May 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
Today you celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jesus is calling all of God’s children to trust Him and to drink from the eternal well spring of salvation which flows from His Sacred Heart. This is life giving water which will nourish and strengthen you. This sanctifying grace given to you as a gift from the Father through His Son by the grace of the Holy Spirit cannot be gained by your own means but only as a precious gift through faith. You are called to justification through your faith in the gift given by the Father of His Son Jesus who suffered, died and rose again to release you from the bondage of sin. This does not mean that your sins do not need to be reconciled. You are called to lead a righteous life of love. You must humbly come to the well spring of salvation and confess your wrong doing and receive the grace of absolution through the hands of the priest. This purification process is most important as in this way you are stripping back the layers of selfishness and pride and submitting your life to the Divine Will of God. Do not be arrogant and prideful trying always to remain in control. This is not the way of God. You have been asked to follow Jesus. He remained obedient and humble of heart. He submitted completely to the Will of God even to death on a cross. I ask you to unite your little crosses to My Son Jesus. Be obedient to the commandments of God and live a life of righteousness and holy love. Learn to be holy as your Lord and God is holy. Give always praise and thanks to your Heavenly Father for His precious gift of faith, cling to the hope you have receive through His son Jesus and accept the Divine love of the Holy Trinity so you walk the path in perfect union with your Heavenly family.

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