Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Message to I.A.N.

20th May 2008
A true confession is said through your heart and not by your words. The sincerity of the admission of your faults is shown through your actions and attempts to reject the ways of error and to embrace the light of my adored son, Jesus, our merciful Saviour. Your redemption depends on your willingness to remain with God’s graces to help you to repent and remain faithful. Embrace the difficult way and return to the life and you will find true freedom. Those who remain in sin may think they have freedom to spare but they are in a prison without bars. Their prison seems open but they are restrained completely and the light never shines into their space. It is a prison of their own making and all hold the key to unlock their cell when they realise God’s mercy and ask for His compassionate forgiveness. I ask you to travel the path that seems more difficult and with my guidance and your willingness I will lead you to the refuge of The Most sacred Heart of Jesus. He is the refuge for all sinners and He is your God and your brother. He wishes to call all to be known as His family and I have already been given to you, by Him, to help you find your way back to our embrace. Surrender to His mercy and trust that all which He wants you to achieve through Holy Love will be accomplished. Pray about and discern all which confronts you and use the guidance you are given.

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