Friday, June 13, 2008

12th June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
All difficulties and struggles do not go unnoticed by your Heavenly family. Do not try and stay self sufficient. Abandon yourself completely upon the mercy of your Lord and Saviour. Allow His Divine Mercy to wash over you. Trust completely even though the way ahead may seem cloudy and you may feel confused and alone. You are never alone. Do not place distance between the love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit because you feel inadequate. God sees your faults and failings. He sees your weaknesses and flaws. Ask for help and you will be given it. Seek the answers to your doubts and insecurities and you will find them in the Holy Scriptures. Stay steadfast and cling to hope especially when you go through times of testing. Do not loose heart because of the loneliness you feel. Jesus experienced the same feelings of loneliness and despair in the Garden of Gethsemane. You must continue to follow His way. He prayed “not My will but yours be done”. Surrender everything to your Eternal Father and let His strong right hand guide you in the plan He is asking you to undertake. This desert experience and the stripping back of layers must be accomplished for you to advance to the next level of spirituality. Do not be afraid to take this path alone. You will be given sanctifying grace to strengthen you through your reception of the Sacraments. Come close to My Son Jesus and be united by suffering, by your self sacrifice and by the holy love of God that you allow to flow through you in a never ending stream. Walk moment by moment with Jesus as you slowly climb the hill of Calvary on your journey of spiritual purification. Let your body, mind and soul be whitened as you prepare a worthy dwelling place deep within for the Father Son and Holy Spirit to come and reside in the temple of your heart. Do not avoid these trials but embrace each one knowing that these tests will draw you closer to perfect union with the Holy Trinity.

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