14th June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My children,
Return to experiencing the fullness of God’s love and abundance of Divine Providence while you are given this time. Do not play the game of waiting because you are hesitant to make a commitment to step out in bold faith to serve your Lord and God because you fear that those close to you will make fun or ridicule you. Each person has the opportunity to choose to take the path of holiness. Many are like the man who built his house on sandy soil – the first time a storm or flood came, his house was washed away. Listen to me and learn the lessons needed. I warn you, as a Mother who cares for all of God’s children. You must take notice of the signs which are a pre-cursor of what is to come. Do not dismiss them, making excuses for why they are happening. You have been told often to read Scriptures and learn the lessons which are hidden in the hold word of God. Look to the many times that the people led prideful and disobedient lives and God’s hand of justice eventually had to come down on them because they would not listen and learn. Do not take the path of pride and turn your back on God’s love. I ask you, my faithful remnant to pray fervent prayers to help bring many of God’s people back onto the narrow path of salvation. When natural disasters strike people turn to God and plead for help. I feel such sadness because these prayers of entreaty do not last and when their lives settle back into routine they once more forget God and His bountiful love. This faith is planted in shallow and rocky ground and has no depth to it. I beg you to plant the seed of your faith in deep and rich soil so that the fruits of your labour blossom and bloom and produce a harvest which is hundredfold. Read Matthew 13:18-23 to gain a better understanding of the parable of the sower of the seed.
15th June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
Do not abandon my Son Jesus in His hour of need. He wants you to stay close to Him in your daily lives and to rely more on His guidance and help. You must remember that He is your Good Shepherd who wants all of His sheep to come back into the fold. No sheep is insignificant in the eyes of your Lord and God. He searches for each one, no matter how far they have wondered into the wilderness. He patiently waits their call so He can draw them back onto the narrow path of salvation. Do not despair and give up hope when your loved ones have taken the path of worldliness. Persevere in your prayers. Pray with a heart full of hope and trust in your Heavenly Father’s providence and love. Pray always with an expectant heart. Do not continually look on the gloomy side. Be always full of joy even when you experience trials and your prayers do not seem to be heard or answered. Trust and stay firm and committed in your faith. Many saints felt times of darkness and despair. You must go through this testing. It is part of your spiritual purification. Do not continually want the path of ease. This is not what you have been asked to do. Jesus told the disciples to pick up their cross and follow Him. The cross you carry is just a slither of the cross carried by Christ Jesus for the redemption of all sins committed. Do not always try and avoid these crosses you have been asked to carry. You will never receive a cross which is too heavy. Jesus has told you to come to Him when you are heavily burdened and He will give you rest. Do not struggle alone but stay close to Jesus. Let the light of Christ radiate through your whole being and light the way for all those who are in need.
16th June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My children,
You reap what you sow. I ask you to choose to sew seeds which are everlasting. Do not sew seeds of disharmony or disruption because there will be consequences to every choice you make. Live a life of righteousness. Treat others as you would like them to treat you. Measure out always kindness and compassion. Seek always to be merciful in the same way as your Lord and Saviour shows to His merciful love. Take the narrow and more difficult path. Be patient and tolerant with those who you have difficulty with. Extend always the hand of forgiveness to those whom offend you. Do not want revenge against those who have hurt you. Each one must face their Just Judge and will be made accountable for the way they have led their lives. I remind you again to speak less and to love in a holy and pure way more. Let your loving actions burn brightly for all to see. Read James 3 and understand the call of holiness. To those who are given, much more will be expected from them. Plant the seeds of peace and joy and you will reap everlasting fruits of holiness. I remind you again the amount you measure out will be the amount you receive.
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