Tuesday, June 17, 2008

17th June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My children,
I remind you again time is short. You must make changes now while you have this time to do so. Put firmly into place structure in your spiritual life. This is most important as to be a missionary servant of God’s love takes discipline and commitment. You have been told to plant the seed of faith in deep, rich soil. This is the depth I am talking about. Do not be afraid to grow deeper and deeper in your faith journey. Each person’s faith is different. Do not assume that all your loved ones and the people you come in contact with are on the same level as you. Be humble and learn to meet people where they are. Do not judge them and pridefully assume you are better than they are. I remind you again God does not judge the same way as man. His ways are different to yours. Do not be ignorant to the truth. You must recognize that you are a sinner and come before God with a humble and contrite heart for the changes to begin. The first step is to admit your faults. The next step is to seek forgiveness. The third step is to receive sanctifying grace through reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Look to the rose to see how it starts as a small plant which needs care. Eventually through nourishment and care the flowers begin to form. They start as small buds which day by day blossom and bloom into beautiful fragrant flowers. You too can blossom in the same way as the rose. The rose is not without thorns. Accept the thorns you receive along the way. Offer these little thorns as a silent offering to your Heavenly Father. I ask you to put on your crown of righteousness – your crown of suffering and be united with my Son Jesus as you climb the holy mountain of God towards spiritual perfection. The journey does not come to an end until you are called to give an account of your life before your Lord and God. Read John 15: 1-10 to understand that your Heavenly Father is the gardener who must prune the dead branches to promote new growth.

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