Tuesday, June 24, 2008

24th June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
Time is limited for mankind to make changes and put God and His infinite love as first once more. Just as the sands in the hourglass gradually diminish and then stop, the world as you know it must come to an end. The weight of sin is so heavy that God’s strong right arm of justice must soon fall. Pray my little ones to help mitigate events which are to come. Your prayers are powerful when offered in a humble and contrite manner. Do not doubt the power of your prayers which are given with a sincere heart. Do not be fearful but live your life in faith, clinging always to hope and allow the Father to use you as an instrument of holy love to bring many of His children to the knowledge of the truth. I ask you to live your life always centred in truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life you are called to live. Speak truth. Do not compromise your faith because you are not steeped in truth. You must understand that there is truth and there are lies. There are no half truths. You must live your life with honesty and integrity. You know what is right and what is wrong. Use always wisdom in the choices you make. Do not live your life with no thought to consequences to the choices you make. You must be prudent and wise when you commit to serve as a disciple of holy love. Think and pray first before making choices which will have a far reaching effect. Read again the parable of the ten bridesmaids. Be prepared for the time ahead by having the oil of faith in your lamp. Do not wait until it is too late. Your Heavenly Bridegroom draws near so take this time given to you in preparation. Stay awake. No one but the Fathers knows the time when you will be called to give an account of how you have lived your life. Read Matthew 24: 36-44.

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