Saturday, June 28, 2008

28th June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My children,
You have been asked to not rush ahead but to always pray and discern each step you take when you commit to serve God as a missionary servant of God’s love. There can be no self seeking but you must be humble and obedient to the Divine Will of God. Pray daily always to be shown the holy Will of your Eternal Father. Remember that God the Father has given you your free will for a purpose. Choose wisely when you make decisions which will have an affect on the work you do to further God’s Kingdom. I ask you to pray prayers of surrender to the Will of God. Do not be arrogant and prideful. Embrace true humility of heart. Take the back seat when your inclination is to be in the foreground. I ask you to study again John the Baptist and his discipleship of holy love. His role was to prepare the way of the Lord. He courageously preached and converted many in preparation for the coming of their Saviour Jesus the Christ. He told them he was not fit to tie Jesus’ sandal. When his mission was drawing to a close he accepted that he must now decrease so that Jesus could increase. My little ones, you too have been called to prepare the way of the Lord. You have been asked to courageously step out in faith and spread the good news of salvation. Do not seek the lime light and notoriety in this role but humbly work in the background. Let your focus be on Jesus and let the fruits of your work blossom and bloom in abundance. Nurture and care for your faith, guard it carefully as the evil one prowls close by and will use any means to frustrate your efforts to further the Kingdom of God. Do not be caught in his trap of pride. This is a weakness which all God’s children have difficulty with. Let this weakness be turned into strength. I ask you again to purify your intentions. Check again my children that your work is not for your glory but for the praise and glory of your Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three in one. Be strengthened with sanctifying grace to live your life anew.

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