Wednesday, June 4, 2008

4th June 2008 (Night Prayers – Jesus)
My children,
I am your Lord and Saviour, your Prince of Peace. Do not forget the love the Father has for you through His gift of Me His Son. I AM true God and true man. I want you to study Scriptures to understand more fully the sacrifices you must make when you commit to serve as a disciple of holy love. Do not be concerned if you face tests and trials. Look to My Apostle Paul. He suffered much in his commitment to bring many souls back onto the narrow path. His perception was clear in his understanding of the path he had been called to take. He was a broken vessel who had persecuted Christians until he was jolted into the reality of the errors of his ways. He was blinded for three days and after his healing became an advocate in his commitment to bring many to the knowledge of the truth. He was fearless and courageous in the many persecutions he faced. I ask you to pray with truth and fervent faith in your heart. God’s plan will come to fruition through your surrendering totally to the Will of God. Do not doubt His Divine providence. Be humble and thankful for the many graces and blessings you receive each day. Do not be casual in your prayers. You must be more recognizing of the abundant blessings you receive. Praise and thanks should be part of your daily ritual of prayers. Sing hymns of praise of the goodness you receive by the hand of your Lord and God. Do not stray from the narrow path because of your casual attitude to your daily commitment to prayer. Be passionate in your desire to serve your Lord and God with all your heart, mind and soul and understand more fully that you will be given all you need. I AM with you always. Do not doubt but believe. I AM the way, the truth and the life. I ask you to follow my way. Read Romans 8 31-39 to understand God’s love for you.

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