Thursday, June 5, 2008

5th June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
I ask you to take this time in preparation. You must take time to rest and be replenished as you will be called to have stamina and endurance for the time ahead. Have a balanced approach in your body, mind and soul. Take time for God, take time for others and take time for self. I remind you again that you will fail if you try to run on spiritually empty and also on physically empty. Look to nature and God’s gift to humanity of food sources which are full of the nutrition you need to energize and strengthen you physically. Lead a simple life and make use of the natural resources you have been given. You must also look after your spiritual life. If you make your life so busy and take no time in quietness and prayer you will not hear the words spoken to you through Scripture through quiet contemplation with your Lord and God and by the gentle whispering of the Holy Spirit. Jesus has told you that He is the bread of life. He tells you that those who eat His flesh and drink His blood will have life eternal. Receive the Sacraments often to strengthen you with sanctifying grace so that you receive the nourishment you need to live in the fullness of God’s love. Do not be strong willed wanting to rush ahead of God’s plan for you. Take time while you are given it to set your life in right order. Just as water flushes your body of impurities I ask you to come close to the well spring of salvation – the most Sacred Heart of Jesus and draw the living water of the Holy Spirit to flush the spiritual impurities. Receive this healing through the Sacrament of Reconciliation to cleanse and refresh you to walk not by your own means but by the Spirit of God. Learn to be holy and learn prudence in your dealings to avoid the occasion of sin. Let the wise bridesmaid be the example you follow. Let your lamp be full with the oil of faith in preparation for the coming of your Heavenly bridegroom.

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