11th June 2008
Good intentions must be accompanied with good works to truly show your desire to be a faithful servant of holy love. Help to see Gods’ plan put in place for all of His children. If you accept and follow my adored son, Jesus, then you desire to perform the Holy Will of God. If you oppose His way then you oppose God’s will and you reject the mercy and forgiveness He offers to all. Do not be confused by the belief that all you must do to gain redemption is to accept The Christ and carry out your life with little or no regard for His word or without obedience to our Eternal Father and His commandments. Live a life of selfless offering and love for your brothers and sisters. Satan lures many good people into actions which seem to serve the good of others but in reality merely serve a desire for recognition and selfishness. The greatest service is offered simply and quietly and with a humble heart. Love is the answer to all affliction for it is through love that you are forgiven and it is through love that you give selfless service to every one. Do not be concerned that others may seek to obstruct and deter your work for there will always be disruption by the evil which opposes everything which is pure and good. Evil does exist in the world and in people despite the attempts by men of science to explain actions by some physical means. Medicine will cure disease but prayer is the only remedy which is needed to defeat evil. Remain filled with hope and charity for all and remain close to the Good Shepherd who will always seek His lost sheep and keep them safe.
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