Thursday, June 26, 2008

Message to I.A.N

26th June 2008
You stand ready to be purified and yet you see and do little to return to a life of simplicity and simple faith. My children do not make grand castles to wallow in when all you need is a simple shelter for yourself and your family. There is no profit in surrounding your life with material luxury and sights when all is so temporary. These things take you away from your ability to share and feel the needs of others. It will be a dark day for those who have depended on monetary and visible riches when they can no longer draw upon them. There is a great cloud which can descend and only sincere prayer and penance can mitigate the full effects of that storm. Look about you and find that which is the most important material item in your life and throw it away, because, it can be taken away just as quickly. Learn to draw strength and nourishment from the acquisition of spiritual riches. Our Eternal father gives to you through love and He gives all which you need. My adored son Jesus gives you the forgiveness you must have in order to fully receive the selfless graces of God Almighty. Your soul is the only indestructible possession which you have so do not waste it because of greed and selfishness and momentary moments of material and physical desire. Respect your body as the true temple of the soul and make your soul’s home one of warmth and love and charity. Pray for cleansing and pray for mitigation of the events to come. Be prayerful and vigilant and see the signs which approach like an avalanche and know that you can still do much through holy love to help your brothers and sisters find salvation, It is too late when the thunder comes to find shelter or when the fire threatens to seek water. Prepare now and you will have peaces in the turmoil and the shaking to come.

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