Tuesday, July 1, 2008

1st July 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
Where two or three are gathered my Son Jesus is in your midst. It is important for you to come together as little pockets of prayer. I ask you to nurture these faithful remnants and encourage my children to come together as faith communities of prayer. You will gain courage and strength when you support one another through prayer. Look to the Apostles and the lives they led after Pentecost. They lived together in faith communities sharing all they had. Read Acts 2: 43-47 and follow the example set down by the Apostles to lead a life of trust and faith. Be bold and courageous. Do not hide your faith under a bushel but let it shine brightly for all to see. Learn to share with others. Do not hoard your possessions. This will not help you when you are asked to give an account of how you have lived your life. My dear children you must continually grow in your faith journey. Do not stagnate and grow stale because you have built brick walls as a form of protection. Break down these walls and let the light of Christ flood your soul. Trust more in His guidance and love for you. You must humbly acknowledge your sinful nature and pray daily for the changes needed to help you climb the holy mountain of your Lord and God. You will have days which challenge you to confront your weaknesses. I ask you to be joyful when these challenges occur because through your efforts to change God the Father will be able to turn the weaknesses you possess into strengths to help in the salvation of many souls. Let the purification process continue. Do not obstruct this testing and purification. Humble your hearts my little ones and you will inherit eternal life.

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