Friday, March 20, 2015

19th March 2015 (Afternoon Prayer)
My little child,
Do not be afraid to walk the path of complete trust and faith. Imitate Joseph in all you do for the Lord. Be prepared to walk the narrow path – the holy way of the Lord. Do not seek the limelight. Joseph worked humbly in the background to give glory to God. He was a diligent servant of the Lord. Look to Joseph to help you in your family struggles and difficult moments. Do not try and remain self-sufficient. Allow the Holy Family to be your beacon of light. Walk the path that Joseph and Mary chose. Learn to be obedient to God's Will. Pray each day and submit yourself to the holy Will of God. Return to a more simple way of living your life. Do not put your main focus on material possessions for these are not lasting. Open your eyes to the generosity of the Lord. Give thanks for all you are given. Change the way you think, the hasty words you speak and your impulsive actions. Love is the way of the Lord. Love one another as I have loved you. Empty yourself of all prideful ways. I am calling you forth to be My vessel of holy love. Clean the interior first in readiness for your Eternal Bridegroom.

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