Thursday, March 5, 2015

4th March 2015 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
You have heard today the Scripture passage where I told the disciples to follow the holy way of the Lord – I came to serve and not to be served, I gave My life as a ransom for many. I am calling you to walk in My shadow by embracing a servant's heart of holy love. Do not seek attention and praise for self. I remind you again to deny self so that you can rise up to live a new life led by the Spirit of God. Change the old patterns of self-promotion. Do not be afraid to walk the narrow pilgrim path of the Lord. There is work to be done. Work humbly in the background to give glory and honour to your Lord and God. Clean the interior in readiness for your Eternal Bridegroom. Purify yourself in body, mind and soul. Put on your white linen garment in preparation for the coming of the Lord. Do not wait. Pray for the cleansing rain of the Spirit of God to wash God's people clean. I will pour clean water over you and I will give to you a new heart and put My spirit within you, then I will be your God and you will be My people.

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