Wednesday, April 1, 2015

31st March 2015 (Afternoon Prayer)
My dear little child,
Do not be afraid to walk by the narrow pathway. Many choose to walk the easy and wide road of the world. Do not choose this way. Follow in the footsteps of your Lord and Saviour. Stay near to Me. I will guide and help you each step you take. Walk in the shadow of your Good Shepherd. There is much work for you to do. It is important for the purification of body, mind and soul to begin now. Clean the interior first. Do not wait. Seek to make amends for the hurts you have caused to others and also forgive those who have hurt you. Do not hold onto grudges against others. Let go of all the burdens you have stored up deep within. Come to Me with all the burdens you carry and I will give you rest for your soul. Stay near to Me. Pray for the healing of families. Pray for the healing of past hurts. Walk the path of the true disciple. Learn the lessons of holiness. Look to the lessons you can learn in this holy week. Be still and wait upon the Lord. I ask you again as I asked My disciples – will you not spend one hour with Me. Stay awake and ready at all times. Be holy as I, your Lord and God am holy.

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