Friday, August 19, 2016

17th August 2016

17th August 2016
My dear children,

I ask you again to be fervent in your prayers.  Do not neglect to spend time each day in prayer and quiet contemplation.  Come away from the noise of the world and spend time in solitude with your Lord and God.  Do not be afraid to spend extra time in stillness and prayer for I speak to you in this time of stillness.  Be still and know that I am your Lord and God.  Take time to study the holy Word of God for I speak to you in many different ways.  Open your eyes to the wondrous ways of the Lord your God.  Open your ears and listen more intently to the gentle prompting you are given by the Spirit of God.  You must tame the wilful ways that keep you distracted and trapped in the ways of the world.  Pray for the discipline you need to walk the narrow and more difficult path.  You have read in Scripture the words that discipline is the beginning of the path of wisdom.  The world has become consumed with selfish pursuits and many of God’s people lack the discipline needed to live a life pleasing to the Lord.  I ask you to pray prayers for the salvation of souls.  The old selfish ways must die away first.  All of God’s people must be purified in body, mind and soul like gold that is purified in the furnace.  Out of the ashes My new purified Bride will arise.

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