Wednesday, September 28, 2016

14th September 2016

14th September 2016
My little one,
I need you to take time to be still.  Do not make your life so busy that you have no time to spend with Me, your Lord and Saviour in stillness and prayer.  Many of God’s people have become consumed with worldly ways and no longer take any time to listen to the Lord.  Do not rush your prayers because of a sense of duty.  I want you to pray from the heart.  Take time away from the noise of the world so we can be united as one.  Listen to spiritual music and allow your heart to be filled with My love.  Open yourself completely so you can experience My love more fully.  Pray your prayers from the heart.  Learn the lessons of My love each day.  Look to the feast you celebrate today – the triumph of the cross.  I died to give each one a chance to experience life anew.  Die to the old patterns of arrogance and pride.  Look to the triumph of the cross in your life.  Die to self and you will rise up to live a new life led by the Spirit of God.  Do not try and do God’s work by your own means.  You must change these old patterns.  Do not wait.  Listen to the words I give to you this day.  Work not for worldly rewards.  Be content to work humbly in the background to give glory to God.  Pick up your cross, deny yourself daily and follow Me.

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