Monday, November 7, 2016

19th October 2016

19th October 2016
My dear children,

You are called to make changes now.  Put your lives in right order.  Do not fear this call given to you to embrace a more structured life.  Clear away the clutter that causes confusion.  Return to a life of simplicity.  You have read in the book of Job the words “naked I came from My mother’s womb, naked I shall return”.  Do not put your main focus on gathering worldly possessions for these are not lasting.  Put your house in right order.  Learn to be disciplined in your thoughts, in the words you speak and by your actions.  I, your Lord and God am God of order not of chaos.  Change the old patterns that keep you trapped in the past.  Return to a more ordered life.  Love your Lord and God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.  Do not be afraid to walk this narrow path of holiness.  Turn away from the patterns that the world encourages – the patterns of selfishness and pride.  Learn the lessons of the humble servant.  Be holy and humble of heart as I, your Lord and God am holy.  Follow My holy way – embrace the humble heart of a servant.  Choose always the last place not the chair of honour.  Read Matthew 23:11-12.

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