Monday, January 23, 2017

18th January 2017

18th January 2017
My dear children,
Do not fear what is to come.  I ask you to walk with Me in the present moment.  Allow Me to guide you as you walk the pilgrim path.  I hear your prayers and I answer them.  Be patient in your prayer life.  Do not crave quick fixes.  Be still and wait upon the Lord.  Let go of any controls you cling to.  For God’s Will to be done you must first let go of your own agendas.  It is important that you listen more intently to the gentle promptings you are given by the Spirit of God.  Take time away from the noise and fast pace of the world to hear the gentle whispering of the Holy Spirit.  Learn to recognize more fully the many different ways that you receive promptings from your Heavenly Father through the grace of the Holy Spirit.  Keep your eyes fixed on your Heavenly goal of life eternal.  Be prepared to make changes.  Use the senses you have been given.  The eyes of the blind will see and the ears of the deaf will hear.  Be prepared.  Do not leave your spiritual preparation to the last minute.  Clear away the clutter that blocks your path.  Learn the many lessons of interior holiness.  I ask you again to speak less in haste and reach out more in holy love to those who are put in your path.

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