Saturday, May 24, 2008

24th May 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
Thank you for the prayers offered today for the feast of my title “Our Lady help of Christians”. Think about this title my little ones. I am your Heavenly Mother and I want to help every one of God’s children to know, love and serve God through their closeness to His Son Jesus. I was Mother of Jesus and in turn was given as Mother to humanity when Jesus said from the cross the words to John His beloved disciple “here is your Mother” and to me “here is your son”. I care for and weep about the many, many souls who have turned away and become distant from the love of God. I wait patiently in readiness to guide each person back onto the path of salvation. The sword which pierces my heart is the sword of indifference and pride which many of my children have chosen. I weep tears of sadness when many choose paths of selfishness and greed. I weep for the many families which are torn apart because of intolerance and pride. I ask you my faithful remnant to pray and make changes in your families to bring about spiritual renewal with your families and loved ones. Pray and ask for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to give you the fortitude you need to be an example of Christ’s love in your life. Be prudent in the decisions you make, praying always for spiritual help in all decisions. Strive to lead a holy and righteous life of Christ’s love. Be patient and pray for tolerance when you face conflicts with loved ones. Do not retaliate in anger but remain steadfast in your commitment to seek peace instead of animosity and you show love instead of speaking hastily words of anger which you will regret. Let others be led to the love of God by the living example you give with the humble and selfless way you live your life. Let your loving actions always speak louder than your words.

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