Saturday, May 24, 2008

Message to I.A.N.

24th May 2008
Immerse yourself in prayer when the weight of opposition or oppression seems to be bearing you down. My adored son, Jesus, waits to help you to carry your crosses as He was helped by Simon of Cyrene. When you feel you can not continue all you need do is call His Holy name and He will ease your strain. You must ask for He will not impose Himself against your freewill. His brotherly love for all is such that He waits, ever ready, to assist those who truly want Him to enter into their life. You can also help Him because He asks you to be an instrument through which His salvation can be shown to everyone. He waits patiently for you to ask. He is ever present in the Tabernacle and He is also with in the Tabernacle of your heart when you accept His truth and light. Allow your soul to be a worthy place for His glory to live through the cleansing of your faults through The Sacraments. Confession removes the load which holds you in the mire of sin. It frees your mind and your soul and allows you to breath God’s love in, deeply and with out fear. Do not be like so many and wait upon others to proclaim His mercy. Step out boldly and with faith and show His compassion and charity through your actions. Our Father in heaven asks little from you except that you honour His name and obey his commandments which have been given for your guidance and peace, not to control you. He gave the commandments through love and the following of those commands shows your love for Him and for all. If you love God and each other then you love The Christ and follow His one command. It is a rule which will lead you to a life of joy and gratitude and an eternity of glory.

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