Thursday, May 29, 2008

29th May 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
I ask you to trust me. Trust the Motherly love I have for you. Trust my Son Jesus and His everlasting love for you. Do not rely on your own inclinations but lean on the trust and guidance of your Lord and God. You are called to turn away from the shallowness of the material world. These pleasures can be here today and gone tomorrow. Look to the natural disasters which have claimed countless lives. These people did not know that their time was so near. Live each day as if it is your last. Do not worry and fret about monetary and material possessions as these mean nothing when you too are called home. Let the life you live be one lived in the fullness of God’s love. Live a life of honesty and integrity. Speak always truth. Do not make compromises by speaking half truths or untruths. You will be accountable for the way you live. Let your life be a profitable one. Let abundant fruits flow by the righteous path you tread. Be holy as your Lord and God is holy. Take the path of wisdom. Read Proverbs 2:1-22 and Proverbs 4: 20-27. You are on this earth for such a short time but the choice you make for the next life is a decision which will affect you for all eternity. Choose wisely. Make the most of each moment you are given to lead a life of honesty and integrity. Be gentle and giving, humble and selfless. Let holy love be the imprint you leave on the lives of others when you life is completed and you are called to your Heavenly home.

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