Friday, May 30, 2008

Message to I.A.N.

29th May 2008
Your faithfulness will be rewarded with graces abounding from our Eternal Father. Your love for me mirrors the love I have for all of my children. You honour this unworthy servant with your gifts and your prayers asking for my intercession. I was loved by Almighty God and remained obedient and faithful and you can also act in the same way. Many times you may be asked to serve in a manner which you do not understand but faith will allow you to trust that God has a purpose in His request of you. You may question many times and God will not force you to comply but He will be persistent in His attempts to have you listen. You are asked to be as persistent in your attempts to proclaim the salvation offered to all though the acceptance of my adored son, Jesus. Find His peace through your frequent reception of the Sacraments and let that profound peace shine from you to many. His peace is beyond human understanding but with it you will have the ability to serve and withstand any persecutions which may be levelled at you and your work. Be an advocate for truth and for obedience to God’s commandments and stand firm in the face of opposition. Do not deviate from what is revealed truth and do not compromise your understanding. Truth is truth and there are no different degrees of truth. Anything which alters it is a lie and is wrong and an offence against the glory of God’s wisdom and love. You will be persecuted for being firm in your beliefs but that burden will be rewarded. Always do that which is right no matter the cost or inconvenience. If you remain faithful to truth while all about you follow the wrong path then you will still be the one who is shown to be worthwhile through your obedience. Salvation is not achieved by popularity or deception or compromise.

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