Monday, May 19, 2008

Message to I.A.N

19th May 2008
Allow the Holy Spirit to dwell within you so that you may grow in understanding, piety, respect and pure love. These gifts are given to you from our Eternal Father though the infusion of His Spirit. They are presents which allow you to give humble service and to feel the love which God has for all of His children. My adored son, Jesus, shows the way to give a life of obedience and purpose so listen to His words and become like Him through your actions. Strive always to be faithful witnesses to his truth and help guide your brothers and sisters away from the gloom of apathy and indifference which so many have thrown themselves into. Live a life of simple pleasures and turn away from the clamour of material possession and greed. The world will be simplified when it is purified and those who learn now will be prepared for the great changes which are to come. Be awake to the signs and let your prayers and penance serve to strengthen and enlighten you. Remove the blur on your vision which is caused by sin and ask for forgiveness for your offences. I tell you nothing gives The Christ greater pleasure than to see His family accept His promise and turn it into a reality within their life. I will always be with you to guide you to that promise which is to be found within His Most Sacred Heart. I am your mother and I will do everything I can, with God’s help, to see my children claim the inheritance which they have been offered.

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