Saturday, May 17, 2008

Message to I.A.N

17th May 2008
When you pray then pray with love in your hearts and a smile upon your lips. Prayer should be an occasion of joy and peace for it is a direct communication between you and our loving Father. It is the key to open yourself to the graces He wishes to give to you. My adored son, Jesus, gave you the great prayer of recognition and thanks giving and humble obedience. Be humble and selfless in your prayers and always seek to ask not for self but for the benefit of your brothers and sisters. To be humble does not mean to think less of yourself but of yourself less. The need for prayer is great as is the need to prepare. Our Eternal Father waits to hear your voice asking for forgiveness and for understanding. Many things will never be understood for it is not God’s will that everything be revealed but use the things you know and the pure love which you have and the gifts you have been granted to help in the great service of salvation. In these times of sorrow and uncertainty you do well to remember that the sun will come again soon and the clouds of gloom will be swept away by the breath of The Holy Spirit. I have said before that there is no time like the present to turn back to God and cleanse your soul. You do not need the signs of tempest and shaking to have a belief in God’s presence. He is in your quiet prayers if you will just listen to Him and not to the roar of the deceiver.

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