Sunday, May 18, 2008

Message to I.A.N

18th May 2008
With the complete acceptance of my adored son, Jesus, into your life you will see His presence in every aspect of that life. He calls you to service for the will of Almighty God for He also gave service. His way is a way of actions as well as prayer and contemplation and humility. His compassion for all can be shown through your faithful imitation of His love. His light guides you and also shines through all who come to know Him personally and fully. He asks you to be a guide for your brothers and sisters and a witness to them of His great mercy. Do not dismiss anyone who comes to you for all are in need of comfort and love even though they may not admit to that need. Be there to give that pure love and charitable compassion. Proclaim the truth of The Christ to them and to all and help them to prepare for the difficult times which come. Pray for strength and the courage to forgive all who persecute and to accept all who have sinned as you, yourself are accepted and loved by God. Sin does not mean you are lost, just that your need for prayer and guidance is greater. Forgive all as Jesus does and through your forgiveness you will feel the joy my son has when He forgives the contrite petitioner.

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