Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Message to I.A.N.

26th May 2008
Many of my children build a brick wall about them self to keep God’s love away. They harden their hearts and close their minds to His wondrous mercy and compassion. You have the freedom to do what you will, to act as you wish and to worship or reject. All of the things which you do are done because our Eternal Father has allowed you to have your fee will and to exercise it. That does not mean, however, that what you do is correct or in accordance with God’s will for you. Many confuse the idea that their errors are sanctioned by God because they have the freedom to commit those sins. You are loved by Him in spite of your faults but He never wants for you to have that sin. His endless love calls you back to His embrace and it was for that purpose that he became my adored son, Jesus. He became the instrument for your salvation when He chose to show His willingness to die for you. Do not doubt His compassion and desire to have you be with Him for eternity. Repent now and begin to renew your life and contact with Him. Give thanks for His gifts which have never been withdrawn. The yoke of misery and selfishness and greed is lifted when you embrace His truth and receive the Holy Spirit through the healing given to you by the forgiveness of The Christ. Do not wait until tomorrow to ask for forgiveness because you must use the time you have wisely and immediately. Gain wisdom through knowledge of the words He gives to you through me and through His Sacred Scriptures. Be cleansed through the Sacraments and nourished by the Sacred Body of Jesus. Act in humility and selfless ways and seek to guide all to find peace and redemption.

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