Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Message to I.A.N.

27th May 2008
My children I again ask you to honour and serve the truth of my adored son, Jesus, with your actions and with your heart. Proclaim Him not with words but with true example, many pay lip service and proclaim that they believe and follow The Christ but so many fail to attempt the simple things which He asks from them. So many gossip and slander and cheat and act with selfishness and greed as their guide. Many persecute those who truly follow His example in simplicity and quiet prayer and meditation. Many more persecute the bride of The Christ and attack the foundations of faith. They alter what was once pure and sincere and pervert it for their own purpose and use. I ask you to stand firm against the attacks and perversions of those who have allowed their faith to be corrupted by the ways of the world. They fail to live and act from pure love and that is what is required from a real disciple of The Christ. Remain deeply rooted in the truth of faith and do not allow alterations which change the truth which you know. Many shall be called to be witness to the glory of God but sadly few will step forward and have no fear. The Faithful Remnant are the witnesses to God’s fulfilment of His promises and are true witnesses to hope. Pray that your eyes and ears remain open to the love and truth of Jesus. Pray that your lips ever ready to praise Him and your gifts and talents available to serve Him. Pray for His mercy and forgiveness to be with you and all of your brothers and sisters. Be humble and accepting of the graces which will come to allow you to persist and prosper as servants of Holy Love.

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