Saturday, June 14, 2008

13th June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear little children,
You must learn to take the path of littleness. Look to the many saints who took this path of total humility. They did not push themselves forward and self promote their cause but waited until they were called forward through the grace of God to step out boldly in faith. Look to St. Anthony of Padua. Follow the path of service he took. He served God in the menial and everyday tasks. Do not want the work which brings recognition and glory. Look to the part of your day given in humble service with family or loved ones or in the work place. All these acts of selflessness and love can be used by God when offered to Him in your daily prayers. Do not waste moments which can be used in humble service of your Lord and God. You must look at your life and examine your motives. Are you searching for spiritual consolations continually or all you docile to the Spirit of God walking moment by moment with your Lord and God in humble service? There will be times on your spiritual journey when you will not recognize the face of your Lord and Saviour. He will be there before you in a hidden way in the face of those who are suffering, those who are old and neglected, and those who are poor and abandoned. Reach out and wipe the face of suffering through your thoughts, words and deeds. Do not turn your back on these people because it takes effort and you do not want to step out of your comfort zone. You are given free choice in all situations. Choose always the path of wisdom and love. Pray to the Father, Son and Spirit to reveal to you how you can wipe the face of suffering and help the many in need. No act of love or self sacrifice regardless how small is in vain. Begin this day to live a life of humble service. Take up the challenge to be a servant of the little way of holy love. Do not waste a moment of time which has been given to you.

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