Saturday, June 14, 2008

Message to I.A.N.

14th June 2008
My children I ask you to be merciful and charitable to each other and to embrace the love of God so his love for all may fill every heart. His love will help you to remove the darkness and loneliness which all feel when they are separated from our Eternal Father by their actions. Return to The Father through the forgiveness and mercy given you by my adored son, Jesus, through His sacrifice. All you are asked to do is to reject the temptations and faults in your life and to become obedient to the one true way to attain a life of eternal Joy and peace. There are sacrifices to be made and crosses which you will bear because of your decision but as you grow in understanding and humility those burdens will seem much lighter. The one thing which does weigh you down is the sin which you have not confessed and repented of. Come to our Saviour, admit your faults and through my dear consecrated son’s hands you will receive the forgiveness of The Christ. He works through you and through your imperfections and brokenness. He cleans your soul and purifies you with His sanctifying grace and moulds your to be an instrument of pure love, a vessel of holiness and an image of His service.

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