Sunday, June 15, 2008

Message to I.A.N.

15th June 2008
My children, if I should speak in a way which seems harsh then understand that it is from love that the words are said. It is of little use to speak in a way which does not convey the extreme offence that is caused to our Eternal Father by the actions of many of His children. I ask you again to examine your life and your true intentions. There are great upheavals in the world with nation turning on nation and distrust and bigotry, immorality and obscenities running unchecked. The words of God are ignored and the mercy of my adored son, Jesus, is often refused or rejected. The sin which causes you to separate yourself from God’s graces is given excuse by ungodly people and yet those who do know the truth often will not speak out as they are called to. The silence of the faithful often gives rise to a new strength for those who oppose God’s teachings and His plan for all of His children. Abominations surround you but so many have been normalised by compromise and by a consensus which has arisen because of a lack of visible opposition. It serves no purpose to see sin and to turn your back on it and pretend that it is not there or that it is not your concern. As a disciple of The Christ it is your duty, through holy love, to help those who are obviously in error to find their way back to the path of righteousness. This is not to mean that you judge their actions but you try to help guide them to the revealed truth as shown through Jesus and the Holy Scriptures. God can not allow abominations to continue unchecked for the innocent become more endangered by the darkness when it tries to spread. The wantonness and immorality of many goes on and is accepted in society as normal. Any opposition to it is treated as narrow-mindedness and socially unacceptable. You stand on the edge of the great chasm and there is no where to turn except to the renewal of faith and hope. The solution to your problems is simple. Start again to live God’s commandments, reject all forms of perversion of the natural order as deemed by God. Reject the excesses of the world and return to a simple life. Confess your faults and begin to live life anew with Christ within you. Live as God intended you to live, with peace towards each other and charity and love for all. Always pray for guidance and for wisdom to be given to you and be a visible witness to hope and to Christ’s forgiveness.

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