Sunday, June 1, 2008

1st June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
I remind you to continue persevering in your endeavours to further the Kingdom of God. Do not become disillusioned when events do not turn out in the way you had perceived them to. You must trust and have fervent faith. God’s way is different to your way. Do not be narrow in your thinking. I ask you again to be more docile to the Spirit of God. Do not run ahead of God’s plans in your thoughts, words or actions. You must learn to walk moment by moment with your Lord and God. I ask you to study the path of Moses. He was chosen to lead the people from slavery to the Promised Land. The people wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because they did not listen to God. God provided for them abundantly but they were not thankful and complained continually. Moses went up the mountain to commune with Yahweh and the people became disillusioned and built a golden calf to worship. Many today do not listen to God and build golden calves in different ways. Their material possessions have become their gods. Do not wander in the wilderness for many years because of your stubborn hearts. Look to the signs you have been given and change your selfish ways. Listen to the messages I have been allowed to give to you and choose the path of holiness. Turn away from the obsession to own more and more material possessions and return to a simple life of holy love. Put the love of God first and He will give to you all your needs. Put your life in right order. You have read in Scripture the story of the rich young man who wanted to follow Jesus. Jesus told him to sell what he owned and to follow Him but the man was so attached to his worldly goods that he sadly went away. You come into the world with nothing and you leave with nothing; do not let satan deceive you into the thought that you must build worldly empires. These will count for nothing when your time comes to come before your Just Judge to give an account of the life you have led. Choose the path of wisdom. Build your house on strong foundations of faith to withstand the storms of life which may come upon you. Learn to be holy as your Lord and God is holy.

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