Tuesday, June 3, 2008

2nd June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My children,
You are called to take the path of littleness in your family life. Show your children and loved ones the love that your Heavenly Father has for you and for all through the Christ-like way you live your life. Pray always for the in filling of the Holy Spirit to give you the fortitude needed to follow this path of humility. It is not by your many words spoken but by the loving actions you show to all in need that you will change the hearts of your family and loved ones. Be a good example of God’s goodness and merciful love by imitating His Son Christ Jesus. You have been called to pick up your cross and follow the path that Jesus took. There will be days on your journey when you will feel a sense of exhaustion as you climb the steep hill of Calvary. Remember that you carry but a slither of the cross of salvation. Endure the hardships and do not stay distant and alone in the heartache and pain you feel. Draw close to my Immaculate Heart and know that I understand the pain you feel. I too, felt the pain of watching my Son be mocked, scourged and die on the cross for the redemption of the sins committed by all humanity. Simeon had foretold that a sword would pierce my heart. I am with you my little ones, in your valley of tears. You are never alone. I will protect and guide you to the infinite love of the Father given to you through His Son Jesus by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Draw close to Jesus most Sacred Heart and receive the healing balm which flows continuously from His heart. Offer all your inconveniences and suffering in union with His suffering to help in the salvation of souls. Do not despair when you hear that those close to you mock you. Rejoice and be glad knowing that you are not alone; your Heavenly family are with you every moment of the day. Call upon the help of the Heavenly realm to strengthen you in your commitment to serve your Lord and God in thought, word and action as a humble and obedient servant of the little way of holy love.

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