Saturday, June 21, 2008

21st June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear little children,
Trust and believe that your prayers are heard and will be answered. Walk in faith. Carry the crosses you bear for the salvation of souls. Sometimes you may perceive something to be a disaster. God’s way is different and it may be a blessing which is hidden at this moment from your eyes. Trust my little ones. Climb the holy mountain of God. Let go of your weaknesses and allow God to change them into strengths. You have been called to help others who are sick and suffering. Gain strength by your prayers for this important work you have been asked to undertake. Do not shy away from this responsibility. Walk not by your own means but by the Spirit of God. The work is plentiful so be prepared to walk moment by moment with your Lord and God united as one as you reach out in merciful love to the many in need. Show them the peace and joy which Jesus longs to give them. Let go of your own burdens and allow Jesus your Good Shepherd to lead you. I am with you and understand the pain you feel when someone close to you is sick and suffering. Be courageous and united in my love and the love of my Son Jesus. Reach out as a Servant of United Love to help all who are suffering in such wide ranging ways. The harvest is plentiful and the labourers so few. Pray my children, for the Lord to send labourers into the harvest. This missionary work you undertake is most important. Bring many lost souls back onto the path of salvation by your mercy, compassion and holy love.

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