Sunday, June 22, 2008

22nd June 2008 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
Do not be afraid to walk the path with those you meet who are sick and suffering. Jesus is calling you to be His hands, His feet, and His heart of holy love. You have been called to follow your Lord and Saviour as a disciple of holy love. You have been asked to pick up your cross to help in the salvation of souls. There will be times when you feel the heaviness of the cross. You may even fall under the weight of this cross you have been asked to carry. I ask you to get up and continue to climb the holy mountain of God. Do not give up. Pray and ask to be given the Heavenly help you need to persevere. Do not try and carry the cross alone. Stay close to me and allow me to guide you to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Walk always in the present moment with Jesus. Do not run ahead of Him worrying about events which are to happen in the future. You must be strong in your faith, firmly believing that your prayers offered fervently to your Heavenly Father can mitigate events which are to come. Walk in trust. Never doubt the love of the Father given to you by His Son through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Cling to the corner of Jesus’ garment and ask for His help. Allow His healing power to flood your soul. Remember that His healing is given to you through reception of the precious body and blood in the holy Sacrament of the Altar. Do not say the words of healing before communion without truly thinking and praying about the meaning of the words “Lord I am not worthy to receive you but only say the words and I shall be healed.” I ask you to have the same strong faith as the Centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant. Believe more fully that from Jesus’ heart flows blood and water. Pray in faith for the healing of hurts to help you to surrender completely to God the Father, to walk in faith with His Son Jesus and to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit to live your life anew in faith, hope and love.

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