Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Messages to I.A.N.

31st May 2008
Your expressions of love through my Immaculate Heart are gratefully received because they recognise my love for you and my endless love for the Sacred Heart of my adored son, Jesus and for our Eternal Father. You, through your devotion, mirror my devotion to them and my obedience to the will of God.
My children I ask you to accept my adored son, Jesus, as your means of salvation and refuge. The Holy Spirit will flow into all who come to know The Christ and live with Him in their life. He is the way by which you can live a life of freedom and purpose and service. Be willing to reach out to all who are in need of direction and love. Do not neglect any because of distance or difficulty. Be obedient and humble and follow the will of God as He directs. Through your actions and prayers many will find their way to the forgiveness which is within the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the cleansing which they receive will lead them to want to travel along the lighted path of redemption. True conversion is not a matter of saying you believe but it is the full reception of Christ and The Holy Spirit and the Graces of our Eternal Father. The Word will enlighten you and the Spirit will strengthen your resolve and carry you through the difficult times which lie ahead. Praise the majesty of God and of His love and be ever thankful for the merciful gifts He give through His pure selfless love and compassion. Be prepared to talk with Him at all times but seek quietness and peace so you may listen as well as speak.

1st June 2008
Sincerity and humility are keys to being able to hear the will of God and to make possible your service to that will. You must become filled with love for your brothers and sisters and that love must be selfless and pure. Pure hearts are needed and I ask you to let go of any feelings of self and any feelings of pride. Those who are proud will be humbled and the downtrodden will be raised up as my adored son, Jesus, has promised. Remain focused on your service for holy love and do not let the minor disruptions deflect your purpose. It is easy to be sent on to a differing course so you must practice control and prudence and discernment. All which happens has a purpose but you must be the one who sees how God will use everything to bring His mercy and forgiveness to all of His children. Let His love fill your heart and through your acceptance and imitation of The Christ and His gifts you will become a beacon which will radiate His light into the darkness which blinds so many.

2nd June 2008
The way of my adored son, Jesus, is the way of humble obedience and service. Many are asked to help but many do not acknowledge the need or the call. Remain faithful to the commandments of life and help those who mock and reject you be the ones who you most pray for and reach out to. You were promised that you would be hated and persecuted and nothing has changed. I tell you again that satan dislike Christ’s love and mercy because it exposes his weakness and illusions. His hold over you is diminished by every prayer and act of goodness. He fights more violently as his grip loosens and slips from you. Do not fear the pain and suffering you feel when your worldliness is removed from you for you will find consolation and peace in the graces which our Eternal Father will pour upon you. Pray for courage to manifest in you through The Holy Spirit and through your greater embrace of The Christ through your prayers and through your increased reception of the Sacraments. You are all called to be saints and I ask you to change your life into one in which you can believe in your saintliness. Not all shall achieve such holiness but your redemption comes through your desire and actions to become pure vessels of love and witnesses to hope and truth.

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