Friday, February 27, 2015

26th February 2015 (Morning Prayer)
My little one,
Be still and wait upon the Lord. Go to your quiet place so that you can be united with the Lord in body, mind and soul. Come away from the noise of the world to this peaceful place so that you can hear the gentle whispering of the Spirit of God. Do not make your life so busy that you have no time for the Lord. Take time for God, take time to reach out in holy love to others and take time to rest and replenish self. Do not try and work by your own means. Be still and wait upon the Lord. Put your life in right order. Love your Lord and God with all your heart and love your neighbour as yourself. Follow the holy way of the Lord. Open your eyes to the wonders of God's creation. Return to a more simple life. Turn away from the ways of the world where self is made to be of most importance. Put your trust in God's providence. Trust and believe that you are loved far beyond your understanding.

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