Wednesday, March 4, 2015

2nd March 2015 (Afternoon Prayer)
My dear little one,
Do not fear to walk the desert pathway as you take your 40 day journey of self-denial. I go before you to light your path. Just as I experienced testing and temptation by the evil one in the desert before My public ministry you too, will experience testing times. Endure these difficult moments. Offer up your burdens to the Lord for the salvation of souls. Take time away from the noise of the world to commune with the Lord. Do not be afraid to embrace these moments of solitude. I will show you the way of the Lord. I will reveal to you some of the mysteries of the kingdom of God. Stay near to Me. Take time to go to your wilderness place so that you can journey deeper in your faith. I am calling you this day to understand more fully the love of your Lord and God. Open your eyes to the wondrous ways of the Lord. I will carry you on eagle's wings. Trust in Me. Trust in the love of your Heavenly Father given to you by Me, His Son through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Lean on Me and not on your own understanding.

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