Wednesday, March 11, 2015

10th March 2015 (Morning Prayer)
My little one,
Clear your mind from all worldly thoughts. Come away to your quiet place so that we can be as one in your thoughts, words spoken and deeds. Make time to be with Me. Do not make your life so full of doing that you take no time in stillness and prayer. Be still and know that I am your Lord and God. Trust in Me. I remind you again – you are loved far beyond your own understanding. Lean on Me. Come to Me with all the burdens you carry and I will give you rest for your soul. Trust in the Lord. There will be times when you face difficult moments. Trust in the love of your Lord and God for I will turn your sorrow into joy, your mourning into dancing. Stay close to me. Walk with me moment by moment. I am your Good Shepherd. My sheep know Me and they listen to My voice. I will guide you along the right path. I will protect you from the storms. Do not be afraid to walk in the shadow of your Good Shepherd. Will you climb the holy mountain of the Lord?

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