Thursday, March 12, 2015

11th March 2015 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
Do not despair when you face adversities. Stay near to Me. I will look after you. Do not try and remain at a distance. Do not remain alone and self-sufficient. Abide in Me as I abide in you. I ask you to pray for your eyes to be opened so that you can see more clearly the holy way of the Lord. Pray also for your ears to listen more intently to the gentle prompting you are given by the Spirit of God. Pray for your heart to be opened completely so that you can receive the holy love of your Heavenly Father given to you by Me, His Son through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Remember all that you have been taught by the Lord. Do not become despondent when your plans do not work out how you expect. You must learn to trust in the love of the Lord. I remind you again – My ways are not your ways – My thoughts above the thoughts of mankind. Trust and believe that you are loved and looked after far beyond your own understanding. Trust in the merciful love of the Lord. Something that seems to be a disaster may not be that way at all. Be still and wait upon the Lord for I will reveal to you some of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God.

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