15th March 2015 (Night Prayer)
My dear children,
Give thanks for the graces and blessings you receive from the Lord your God. Do not neglect to have a grateful heart for all you are given freely from the Lord. Begin your day in prayer and thanksgiving. Surrender yourself completely to the Lord. Submit your own free will to the holy Will of God. Do not be strong minded and want only to follow your own way. Many justify their thoughts the words they speak and their actions. Learn to be humble of heart. Let go of any arrogant and prideful ways. Admit your faults and failings to the Lord. Come to the wellspring of salvation and be washed clean. Do not wait. Now is the time for God's people to be washed clean. Do not be afraid to admit that you have sinned in your thoughts, in the words you have spoken harshly against others and by your thoughtless actions. Give generously of self without counting the cost. Purify yourself completely in readiness for your Eternal Bridegroom. Learn the difference between interior holiness and exterior false piety. Do not put yourself on display for others to admire. Be content work humbly in the background to give glory to God. Be holy as I, your Lord and God am holy.My dear children,
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