Monday, March 16, 2015

13th March 2015 (Morning Prayer)
My little one,
Be still and listen to your Lord and God. Do not fill every moment of your life with busy ways and noise. Do not be afraid to come away from the ways of the world so that you can be united with your Lord and God in stillness and prayer. Return to a more simple way of life. Do not crave the easy solutions. Follow the holy way of the Lord. Trust in My love for you and for all of God's children. Take time to come away to your place of solitude so that you can hear more clearly the call given to you to walk the path of holiness. Do not be afraid to work in the background to give glory and praise to the Lord. Learn to be docile to the Spirit of God. I am your Good Shepherd. I will look after you. Choose the narrow pathway of the Lord not the wide road of selfish pleasures that the world encourages you to walk. Work not for self-glory but to further the kingdom of God. Deny self and you will rise up to live a new life led by the Spirit of God.

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