Thursday, April 16, 2015

15th April 2015 (Night Prayer)
My little children,
I walk the pilgrim path with you. I will never abandon you in your time of need. I am asking you to trust more fully in the love of your Lord and God. Do not doubt My love for you and for all. Stay near to Me. Allow Me to guide you each step you take. I will show you the pilgrim way of the Lord. I will reveal to you some of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Endure the difficult moments. Do not crave the easy road of the world. I have asked you to open your eyes so that you see the holy way of the Lord. Open your ears more so that you can hear the gentle whispering of the Spirit of God. Open your heart so that you can receive the love of the Father, Son and Spirit and pass it on to many others who have lost their way and are now stumbling in the darkness of worldly ways. Do not put your main focus on the ways of the world as these are not lasting. Keep your eyes fixed on the Heavenly treasure that will give you eternal life. Deny self and you will rise up to live a new life led by the Spirit of God.

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