Monday, April 13, 2015

13th April 2015 (Afternoon Prayer)
My little one,
Do not despair. Stay near to Me. Just as the wind blows from one direction and then changes and blows from another direction you too, will be called to embrace a season of change. The wind of God's Spirit will guide you in the direction that the Lord your God is calling you to take. It is important that you take time to listen to the prompting you are given by the Spirit of God. Do not rush ahead by your own means. Be still and wait upon the Lord. You will be looked after. There is much work to do to further the Kingdom of God. Do not be afraid to embrace any changes. Pray and discern God's Will in the decisions you make and then step out in faith and follow the direction you have been shown. When the wind blows in a certain direction you can see clearly by the movement of the trees. You will be shown clearly the direction you are called to take. Watch for the signs. Open your eyes and observe the wondrous ways of the Lord. Open your ears and listen more intently to the gentle whispering of God's Spirit. You have heard many times that Elijah did not find the Lord in the roaring wind but he found God in the gentle breeze. Trust and look to the season of change that will soon come upon you. You have heard in Scripture passage today that the disciples were called to step out boldly in their faith. Read again the passage of today in the Acts of the Apostles. Read Acts 4: 23-31 and follow the holy way that the disciples chose. Be confident in your faith. You are cared for by the Lord far more than you as yet are aware of. Trust, My little one and be guided by your Advocate, the Spirit of God.

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