Friday, April 3, 2015

3rd April 2015 (Morning Prayer)
My little one,
Do not despair when you face difficulties. Have courage to walk the pilgrim path for I go before you to light your way. I call again to you to pick up your cross, deny self daily and follow Me. Many of God's people are consumed with self. They have become blinded to My truth and have chosen to walk the wide road of selfishness and pride that the world encourages them to take. Do not follow this way. Embrace a servant's heart. Walk the path of the true disciple. Practice self-denial by giving generously of self in the service of God's love. Do not be quick to take offence. Endure the tasks you are called to embrace. Clear away the clutter of worldly ways. Return to a more simple life. Do not wait. Make changes now. Learn the lessons of holy love. Follow in the footsteps of your Lord and Saviour. It is time to climb the holy mountain of the Lord. Die to self and you will rise up to live a new life led by the Spirit of God. Choose the path of true holiness. The glory and goodness of God will shine out to others by the humble and self-effacing way you live your life.

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