Friday, February 17, 2017

15th February 2017

15th February 2017
My dear children,
Do not be concerned at the lack of answers to your prayer requests.  Be patient in your prayers and trust that I hear your prayers and I answer them.  All will be revealed to you in due course.  Walk with Me the narrow pathway.  Do not be afraid to walk this path of trust.  Pray for a deepening of your faith.  Many of God’s people are happy to walk in shallow water but are afraid to venture into deeper waters.  I told Peter to step out of the boat and walk towards Me.  The reason why he began to sink is because he took his eyes off Me.  You too, are called this day to step out of the boat and come to Me.  Keep your eyes fixed on Me.  Stay close to Me.  I will guide you.  I will not abandon you.  It is time for you to make changes.  It is time for you to deepen your faith.  Do not waste this opportunity you have been given to walk the pilgrim pathway of faith.  Pray and trust in the merciful love you are given by your Heavenly Father through Me, His Son in the grace of the Holy Spirit.  Be holy and pure of heart and you will reap eternal rewards.

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